Watch series on topics that interest you
Colossians: Bible Study Series
The Apostle Paul's letter to the Colossians contains some of the most profound statements ever written about the Lord Jesus Christ and the status of believers and the heresy of Gnosticism.
Gnosticism challenged the Divinity and humanity of Christ, promoted levels of spirituality, angelic worship, immorality, etc.
This twenty study series explores/applies Paul's answers to all of these topics.
Hell and Immortality: Bible Study Series
There is a great deal of disunity among Christians on this topic. Is it possible that through examining the texts on hell in depth, to find a consistent theology which can include all Scripture? I believe there is.
These videos explore both traditional and conditional views, and examine in depth the various words translated as 'hell' in English Bibles such as Sheol, Hades, Gehenna, Tatarus, Lake of Fire and The Abyss.
Macro-Evolution: Fact or Fraud:Bible Study Video series
At some stage of our lives the majority of people become aware of ourselves as individuals and ask the big questions: Who am I, what am I? Am I a product of macro-evolution, a consequence of random chance, or was I created by a supernatural being who designed the universe?
In our modern world we are offered two systems of belief concerning the origin of life: Macro-Evolution or Creation. Is it possible to know which is true and which is false? In this six part series we are going to examine the theory of macro-evolution, its history, its frauds, the evidence that destroys this theory completely, and why evolutionists have become much less vocal in the past five years.
Free-grace theology refuted:Bible Study Series
There are those who teach that a person can merely believe certain historical facts about Jesus Christ and this gives them a free ticket to heaven. This theology is labeled as ‘free grace’ or ‘cheap-grace’. Proponents of this view state that a person can just believe, live any way they wish and go to heaven.
They also state that turning from sin is unnecessary, repentance is just a change of mind, that producing the fruit of the Holy Spirit is no evidence of salvation, and that anyone who just believed and later denied Christ and call themselves atheist, is still going to heaven. This is dangerous and heretical teaching that saves no one.
Topical Videos
● Once Saved Always Saved?● Cannot continue in Sin??● Denying the Trinity: An Age-old Heresy● Struggling with Sin: Renewed in our Minds● Are Your Children Saved?● The Foreknowledge of God● Lordship Salvation: Biblical Fact or Heresy?● How did Jesus deal with Natural Human Desires?● Let the Women be Silent?● A Biblical Critique of Dr Michael Heiser's 'The Unseen Realm'● Michael Heiser and Troy Martin on 1 Corinthians 11● Understanding and Living in Grace● Hidden Treasure and Pearls: Jesus' Requirements for Salvation